Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chap. 1-5


Jaime Pincin – Book II, Chap. 1 “Many Meetings”

1) With the explanation from Gandalf that Frodo’s wound would have turned him into a wraith, what do you think the wound symbolizes? Why does Tolkien focus more on the internal activity of the blade instead of the external, physical wound?

2) What is the significance of Frodo seeing Bilbo as a “little wrinkled creature with a hungry face?”

Austin Chang – Book II, Chap. 2 “The Council of Elrond”

1) In this chapter, a lot of new characters are introduced, three of which will enter the Fellowship. Of these three, Tolkien takes great care to make sure one stands out. Pay close attention to how these three characters are introduced. Which one is he pointing out and why?

2) In many ways, Frodo’s decision to take on the ring can be seen as a “call to adventure” in the Hero’s Journey. How is this a typical “call to adventure”? How is it atypical?

Dr B – Book II, Chap. 3 “The Ring Goes South”

1) Who joins Frodo on his journey? Why does Elrond not bind the whole company by oath to go all the way to Mordor? What point might Tolkien be making about oaths and vows in this context?

2) What does Bilbo’s song “I sit beside the fire and think” tell us about the season of life he is in?

3) Have your plans for a journey ever been dramatically changed by … the weather? Is the stormy snowfall on Caradhras caused by malevolent influence? Why is Gandalf at pains to point out that there are more enemies in the world than just Sauron and Saruman? How does the Company survive the storm?

Devon Torres – Book II, Chap. 4 “A Journey in the Dark”

1. Why does the group choose to go through the Mines of Moria? What are their other alternatives?

2. What is the password Gandalf uses to get the door to open? What is the significance of this elvish word?

Elliot White – Book II, Chap. 5 “The Bridge of Khazad-Dum”

1. When Frodo is stabbed by an orc’s spear, he’s unharmed because of the mithril mail Bilbo gifted him. The party doesn’t think too much about it, but why does Frodo continue to keep his armor a secret?

2. What is the Balrog, and what could it symbolize? Why was Gandalf unable to stop the Balrog without sacrificing himself? What does Gandalf’s absence mean for the group’s quest going forward, and (if you had no knowledge of the story) does it seem like Gandalf may return?

29 thoughts on “Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chap. 1-5”

  1. Chapter 1
    1) Frodo being transformed into a wraith is a more terrifying fate than if the wound were simply physical. If it were just physical, as readers we could rest easy after he’s healed because physical wounds are easier to comprehend. The fear of becoming a wraith is similar to the Ring itself: it’s an invisible evil that can corrupt someone from within. Even the blade itself vanished, the small shard would have been enough to have Frodo turn on his friends. Like all things in Middle-Earth, the non-physical is what leaves a greater impact.

    2) Frodo’s observation is a reference to Gollum’s outward appearance, something that Bilbo could have easily become if he kept the Ring. Frodo seeing a family member he cares about deeply get completely changed merely due to seeing the Ring shows how little it takes for the Ring to completely corrupt the user. It makes the situation even more grave (especially right after Frodo’s encounter with the wraiths).

    Chapter 4
    1) While Gimli and Aragorn are the only people besides Gandalf willing to go into the tunnels, it was the best option. Gandalf warns that the Ring must not come near Isengard so they can’t take the shorter and safer route across the Gap of Rohan and going around the mountains would take too much time.

    2) When the door says “speak, friend, and enter” in elvish, it doesn’t mean there’s a secret password, but all Gandalf has to do is say “friend” in elvish. The door can symbolize their adventure as a whole, a challenge that seems impossible but there are solutions just within reach. This continues Tolkien’s theme of unexpected allies (in this case the “ally” is the solution to a puzzle to continue their quest).

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    1. I agree with your response for Chapter 1, question 2. I think seeing Bilbo so deeply changed by the Ring convinced Frodo more than anything that the Ring was truly evil. While the warnings of Gandalf and the attacks of the Black Riders were powerful signs of its destruction, seeing someone he loves hurt by the Ring must have driven his desire to get rid of it.


    2. Response to E. White Ch.1 Question 1:
      There is a certain emphasis here on invisible wounds, rather than the obvious scar Frodo will carry for the rest of his life from the Morgul blade. The blade nearly pierced Frodo’s heart, and by some stroke of luck it became embedded in his shoulder instead. This was just another of Frodo’s brushes with death, though nor the trees of the Old Forest nor the Barrow Downs were quite as perilous. Bringing Tolkien’s own experience in WWI into play, Frodo’s near-death on Weathertop affected him so strongly because it wasn’t simply his life in jeopardy, but his very existence. And as such, Frodo was much more deeply affected- so much so that the scar he received will never completely fade, and will still pain him. This can easily be interpreted as a parallel to PTSD.

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    3. I agree with your statement that seeing Bilbo as an old wrinkled creature disturbed Frodo more than anything else Frodo had encountered with the ring because it was something so dear and close to him. It greatly showed the negative effects of the Ring.


  2. Chapter 2:
    2) The most powerful part of Frodo’s decision to take the Ring is the fact that he decided entirely on his own. This is an important theme in Tolkien’s novels — a person has to decide to do good, he can’t be forced into it. Elrond tells Gimil, who says that one is faithless if he leaves when the road gets hard, “… let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall.” The call to adventure, while it may seem like destiny, relies on a personal choice to give up one’s own life for the greater good. I think that one of the best quotes in the Fellowship of the Ring is Frodo’s: “I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable: I shall know that somewhere there is a firm foothold, even if my feet cannot stand there again.” He accepts this call to adventure for the sake of his home, deciding to walk through the dark, knowing the horrors the night may carry.

    Chapter 5:
    2) I think that the Balrog represents evil — more specifically, greed. Originally Maiar, they became twisted and served Melkor. Many were destroyed, but some were able to escape and find hiding places deep within the earth. However, the greed of the dwarves in their search for riches awoke a balrog. Tolkien seems to send a message to his readers (both through Gandalf’s death and a very similar instance with Glorfindel in the history of Middle Earth) that the only way to defeat such evil is through sacrifice. Gandalf gives up his life to save his friends, casting away all selfishness for the good of others. Even though it may seem like Gandalf’s absence will hurt the group, it seems like they are driven to accomplish their mission for him. If you at least read the Hobbit, you know that Gandalf leaves and arrives at unexpected times — of course he had to come back!

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    1. I think that quote of Frodo’s is excellent as well! The way he describes the Shire as home and how he will think of it as a comfort as he faces hardships reminds me of how Tolkien set out from home during WWI. I’m sure that he was thinking the same thoughts of home as Frodo, and in doing so it probably gave him strength.

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  3. Chapter 2:

    1) Of the three future members of the Fellowship introduced in this chapter, Tolkien lavishes detail on his depiction of the tragic hero Boromir. His is an extremely compelling character, for his intentions are just but his desperation clouds his mind. Boromir wants only to protect Gondor, and by extension, the rest of Middle-Earth, from the forces of Sauron, but he is all too eager to sacrifice the integrity of the Fellowship to further his goal. Even in the Council of Elrond we can see the brash directness which will bring about his downfall. Tolkien does well to foreshadow the fall of Boromir in this chapter, for in doing so he sets the stage for a truly memorable character arc.

    2) Like most typical “calls to adventure”, Frodo is initially overlooked by the others in favor of the stronger warriors and tacticians present at the time. No one expects him to carry the Ring to Mordor, for he is a simple hobbit from the backwards Shire. However, unlike most other hero’s journeys, Frodo’s decision to go into Mordor is fraught with an overwhelming and somber feeling of doubt. The desperate members of Elrond’s council are willing to let Frodo take the Ring not because they believe it is the best option, but because they see it as the last option available to them. When the heroes of other stories begin their quests, they are celebrated as future victors. When Frodo and the Fellowship leave, few believe that they can succeed.

    Chapter 4:

    1) The Fellowship are unaware of the current status of the Mines of Moria, and so they are more willing to take that path than they would be if they knew what foul creatures lurked there. As far as they know, Balin and his company have re-colonized the mines and driven out whatever foes still lived there from the time of the goblin Azog and King Thror. The other options are even less desirable, for the southern mountain pass by the Gap of Rohan is quite perilous, and guarded by the magics of Saruman. Conversely, the path north, above the Misty Mountains, is much too long and would delay the company unnecessarily.

    2) The password to open the secret path is “Mellon”, which translates to Friend in Elvish. The password signifies the old friendship between the dwarves and western elves, who built the magic gate together as a symbol of camaraderie. Sadly, those days of friendship are a memory of the past.

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    1. Andrew: I really like your responses for Chapter 2, especially your thoughts about why Tolkien is not describing Boromir in more details. I agree with you that by doing that, Tolkien makes this character more important and probably a truly memorable character.


  4. Chap 2
    1.Tolkien do not give a lot of detail about all of the characters in the book, for example, Boromir. By not explaining everything about the characters it gives some mystery to the book. It gives to the readers the desire to read more of the book and try to see if he will develop the characters further in the book we go.
    2.It is a call to adventure because Frodo decides to take the ring on his own. He decided this alone, which show how brave and courageous he is.

    Chap 4
    1.The group is decides to go through the Mines of Moria because they do not realize how big the danger is. Therefore, they are not as scares as they would be if they would know how dangerous that place is. The other alternative is to go through the Gap of Rohan or through the not path which is at the Misty Mountain
    2.The password to open the path is mellon, which means friend in Elvish. This refer to the old time when the dwarves and the western elves where friends and build the gate together.

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    1. Christine I really like all of the things you had to say. I totally agree with what you had to say about the mystery of the book. I think that it makes the book even more interesting. I also agree that Frodo is brave. I think his choice to do the right thing not the easy thing makes him brave.

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  5. Ch.1

    1) I think that the reason that Tolkien decided to focus more on the internal activity of the blade than on the external wound is tied to the symbolism of the wound itself. The wound symbolizes the journey the fellowship is about to embark on. It symbolizes the idea that while, yes on the outside, the quest will be physically demanding and quite brutal, the real strength of everyone but especially of Frodo, must be internal. His will and determination must remain strong enough to battle the internal difficulties that will come from losing friends, being put in direct danger, and resisting the power of the Ring.

    2) When Frodo sees Bilbo this way, it is sort of like he is seeing what his future could possibly become. He has heard from wise advisors that he must not let the Ring take over his mind and soul, but this is the first time he can see the effect of the Ring himself, up close and personal. Seeing his own guardian as this unrecognizable beast is a warning to him.

    Ch. 3

    1) The company includes Frodo, Pippin, Merry, Sam, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, and Gandalf. I think that they are not bound by oath because to truly be committed to the journey that is to come, they must be there by there own strength of will. They cannot feel as though they are a part of due to force. This can also go back to why didn’t Elrond force Isildur to cast the Ring in the fire when they had the chance?

    2)Bilbo’s song is representative of the fact that while he longs still for adventure, he knows now that he cannot see everything he wishes he could. He is at the stage in his life where he has accepted how he has lived his life, and he is grateful for what he has seen and experienced. Now he knows it is time for him to sit patiently and wait for old friends to join him. He has passed the time in his life where he is the one gallivanting off in enchanted forests and deserted roads. It is Frodo’s time now.

    3)The stormy snowfall is not simply a coincidence. Much like the dangers of the forests, there are evils working against the fellowship in the mountains as well. Gandalf knows that while they have a distinct enemy that they must eventually battle, there will be many battles along the way. It will make the journey even longer and harder than it already was. The company, however, can survive this, just as they survived the storm. They survived the storm with teamwork and trust, as they leaned on each other for help and allowed decision making to happen.

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  6. Chapter 3:
    1) Frodo is joined by Gandalf, Aragorn, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, and don’t forget Bill the pony. Elrond does not bind the whole company by oath to go to Mordor for several reasons. Some of the company have other destinations to reach like Boromir and Aragorn who need to reach Gondor. They go with them since it is along the way but will eventually break off. More importantly however, Elrond does not bind the company because the journey ahead would almost certainly spell death to at least some of them if not all. One should not lightly condemn people to their deaths but rather have them go with courage and their own volition. The point that Tolkien is trying to make, I think, is that we must all face hardship in order to make our worlds a better place but we must face it with our own courage in order to truly take ownership of those great deeds. The greatest accomplishments are done by heart and not obligation.

    3) Indeed weather can be a deciding factor in where you can and cannot go. Once I was stuck in North Dakota for several days due to severe winter storm, but luckily I was not stuck outside like Frodo and company. The storm they faced was certainly caused by malevolent forces, in this case the mountain itself I think. Several members of the fellowship mentioned that the mountain did not like two legged beings wandering its peak. I’m sure that Gandalf did not want to worry the company by pointing out further enemies to the company but eventually there was no hiding it. They survived the storm with the wood that Boromir suggested they bring and the elvish drink that was given to Gandalf by Elrond.

    Chapter 5:
    1) That’s a great question. I think Frodo takes after Bilbo in the way that he keeps the mithril a secret, just as Bilbo kept the Ring a secret from his company. You can also see the parallel in the way that Gandalf looks at Frodo with a knowing glance as all the others marvel at his strength and resilience. My only real guess to him keeping it secret is that Frodo doesn’t want all the tricks up his sleeves to be revealed quite yet. He doesn’t know who of the company can be really trusted and who might betray him for the Ring later on.

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    1. I really like your response to question 1 from chapter 5. I definitely agree that Frodo wants to keep a mysterious aura of sorts and keep people guessing, but in my eyes it was all about pride more so than anything else. But keeping some of his tricks secret in order to not reveal his vulnerability to any power hungry members of the fellowship is certainly an interesting proposition, especially considering what occurs later on in the book and the story with people who are supposed to be friends of the hobbit. (Frodo’s interaction with Gollum+Boromir)

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    2. Response to P.Pagenhart Ch. 5 Question 1:
      I think Frodo keeping the mithril coat secret is a first indication of the Ring exerting its influence over his will. There is no concrete reason Frodo shouldn’t divulge this knowledge – if his companions knew he had practically impervious mail, they might not have to worry so much about his safety in battle and instead try to help the less protected hobbits instead. Though only a small thing, Frodo cannot be impervious to the Ring’s influence, and this is an example of the his mind very gradually being twisted by the Ring; keeping secrets is only the first step.


  7. Chapter 2
    1) The person that stands out the most in the council meeting is Boromir. Boromir is an interesting character because he is obviously well intentioned and wants to save Middle Earth from Sauron’s evil reign, but there is an underlying tone of obsession in his speech. He seems to be willing to do whatever it takes to save his land, even if that means compromising the fellowship.
    2) Frodo’s decision to carry on with the Ring is an important one because he decides it entirely on his own. It wasn’t necessarily his burden to bare and there were others willing to take his place, yet he continues on. This journey is thus typical in the sense that Frodo is the established hero who is willing to go into peril to continue his journey. However, he has a host of people also willing to help him along the way.
    Chapter 5
    1) I think Frodo kept the mithril mail a secret because he wanted to show he had a few tricks up his sleve. There were obviously some reservations at the council about a hobbit being the ring bearer on the journey to Mordor. So Frodo might have wanted to prove himself to the fellowship that he isn’t as fragile as some people think hobbits are.
    2) Balrog seems to represent greed. One of the overarching themes of Tolkein’s is the danger of greed and selfishness. So, when Gandalf selflessly sacrifices himself to save the rest of the fellowship, his selfless act outweighs and thus defeats the greed that Balrog represents. Without Gandalf, the fellowship will obviously have many more difficulties ahead, yet they must honor Gandalf’s sacrifice and continue on.

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    1. In response to ch 5, question 1, I think you’re right about why Frodo keeps his advantage a secret. Do you think that him keeping someone’s help a secret foreshadows a time where he may deny someone’s help/advice? Does it foreshadow a downfall of his strength and ability to destroy the ring?


  8. Keri A. Hosler
    Chapter 1
    1) The wound symbolizes the effects of war on a person. Like war, the images and and ‘wounds’ left behind stay and wither the heart and mind, whether through PTSD or just horrible memories. Tolkien focuses on the internal effects because, while a physical injury is hurtful, any character can endure a stab wound. However, Tolkien wished to show the true evil nature of the Enemy within the book, so he spoke of its nature to warp the mind.
    2) The significance of Frodo seeing the physical change in Bilbo is that this horrible visual acts as a warning to Frodo; that if he lets the evil power of the Ring consume him, he will suffer the same fate. Also, if the Ring is allowed to exist, it will continue to corrupt everything it can influence.

    Chapter 4
    1) The Fellowship decided on the Mines because the mountain pass they are taking has a large storm, making it dangerous for the Hobbits. They choose Moria because Frodo was allowed to decide and, without further explanation of the dangers in the Mines, choose to go that route. The Fellowship in all had three choices, the Mines of Moria, the mountain pass, and to head for Rohan.
    2) Gandalf speaks the elven word “mellon”, which translates to friend. This is significant because it links to Tolkien’s overall message of the importance of fellowship. The action of the word “friend” opening the door directly symbolizes the impact that friendship has on your lives; that friends can make something that seemed impossible to the individual, possible.

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  9. Chapter 1:
    1. I think that Frodo’s stab wound serves as a reminder to us about the nature of the quest. Although the fellowship faces an incredibly daunting task, ultimately it is their mental fortitude which must remain strong most of all. Frodo’s wound is internal now, and he must continue to deal with the effects, as he was almost turned into a wraith. And on a larger scale, the fellowship’s problems are their own now, no one else can solve them, so they must rely on themselves and each other.
    2. This quote is an allusion to the physical description of Gollum, and it outlines the effects carrying the ring for an extended period of time has on the bearer. No one is meant to carry the ring other than Sauron, so while the ring grants long life to the bearer, it comes at a heavy cost. I think that Bilbo having a ‘hungry face’ is kind of a manifestation of all of the greed and want the ring has instilled into him, and now that he does not carry the ring it comes out in him.

    Chapter 5:
    1. In the heat of battle, often odd things can go unexplained at little cost, and I think that this was one of these moments. It is hard to say why people would not react to the ringbearer getting stabbed, but I think that Frodo chose to keep the Mithril a secret for two reasons. First, it is a gift which Bilbo bestowed unto him, and an incredibly valuable gift at that worth a fortune, and it seems as if Frodo would like to keep it a secret. Secondly, it seems as if Frodo enjoys having a sort of mysterious or unexplained aura about him where even other members of the fellowship don’t know all of his secrets. Similar to how Bilbo acted in Thorin’s Company with the ring. No dwarf knew he carried the ring, so when he could spy on goblins or not get toasted by Smaug, he gained a sort of mysterious aura, one which he certainly enjoyed.

    2. The Balrog, also known as Durin’s Bane, is a Maiar who terrorized the people of Moria and forced them out of their underground kingdom. I think Durin’s Bane represents a sort of eventuality in the Story and is the first step to the breaking of the fellowship. As Gandalf is the glue that holds the group together and probably the most powerful member of the fellowship, the loss of his calming presence leads to Frodo and Sam eventually splitting up with the rest of the group. Honestly, it is hard to see Gandalf returning to the fellowship considering the nature of his downfall and the fact that he has been absent from large patches of the book and quest already, such as when he was supposed to meet the hobbits earlier on in the story.

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    1. Could Tolkien have intentionally down this for Gandalf in order to make his return more unexpected, or did he really mean for people not to be as attached to this character for when he finally wrote him off?


  10. Chapter 1
    1) I think the wound symbolizes just the beginning of the perils that the fellowship would soon come to face. Tolkien focuses more on the internal activity of the blade instead of the external because Frodo becoming a wraith is more terrifying than any external activity of the physical wound.
    2) What Frodo sees in Bilbo is kind of what Gollum looks like. It shows the kind of power the ring has on Bilbo and is a warning to Frodo that it is vital that he destroy the ring.
    Chapter 5
    1) Maybe Frodo never said he had the mithril because he was afraid that someone would try to take it from him. It also correlates with Bilbo not telling anyone that he had the ring in his possession.

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  11. Book II, ch. 1
    2) What is the significance of Frodo seeing Bilbo as a “little wrinkled creature with a hungry face?”
    Upon Bilbo seeing the Ring again, it becomes clear that it still has a hold on him, even in some small way. Frodo seeing Bilbo as a “little wrinkled creature with a hungry face” is an allusion to Gollum, who was consumed by his obsession with the Ring. It is indicating what might become of Bilbo had he stayed in possession of the Ring, because from one glimpse of it he became as desperate and tortured as Gollum. It is a clue into what Frodo has yet to encounter. As he saw the curse of the Ring’s hold on his uncle, and for it to have affected Bilbo so strongly after little over half a century, it provides foreshadowing to how warped Gollum will be when Frodo finally meets him, the Ringbearer of several centuries.

    Book II, Chap. 4 “A Journey in the Dark”
    2. What is the password Gandalf uses to get the door to open? What is the significance of this elvish word?
    The password is “Mellon,” the elvish word for “friend.” This is especially significant as the password for the secret entrance into Moria because it is a Dwarven kingdom, who are well-known for their animosity with Elves. The fact that the password is an elvish word, and that for “friend,” no less, is nothing short of astounding. It could speak of an ancient comradery, trading that had perhaps been done in Moria before the Balrog was awoken. This melding of culture, the Dwarven art of secret doors and the language of the Eldar, could also be indicative of the composition of the Fellowship. Made up of members of all Free Peoples of the World, the Fellowship of the Ring is the utmost example of different cultures working together toward a common good.

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    1. I agree with your point that friendship is key in order to destroy the ring (along with different races of Middle-Earth having to work together in order to stop a terrible evil). This could be a rallying cry for peoples of Middle-Earth that don’t get along in the present, especially dwarves and elves, to come together for a hopefully long lasting alliance against evil.

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  12. Chapter 1)
    1. I believe that Tolkien is focusing on the internal activity of the blad because he wants us to remember the poor parts of being immortal and what being immortal would have done to Frodo’s soul. The external wounds do not exceed the wounds of the internal wound.
    2. The significance I think is to show Frodo what could happen to him with the power of the ring. I think that it is significant because it shows Frodo a glimpse into his future if he lets the power of the ring power over him.
    Chapter 5)
    1. It is better for him to keep certain things secret because he know that for the most part this is a journey that he is going to have to embark on, on his own. It is his free will that needs to stay strong and sometimes he needs to keep certain things to himself.
    2. The Balrog are people who escaped Mordor. Gandalf was not able to stop them because of the evil power they hold. Gandalf’s absence for the group creates great fear, but I believe that he will return.


  13. Chapter 1:
    1) The wound symbolizes the power of evil and the possibility of corruption. Tolkien focuses on the internal activity of the blade to show that the danger of the enemy will not always be as direct as the blade of a sword, but can also be internal more mental based ailments.
    2) What Frodo is seeing is the physical damage the Ring has done to Bilbo. Over the years Bilbo had the Ring, the Ring sank its teeth into Bilbo leaving its mark. What Frodo sees here is the want and need for the Ring that is still present in Bilbo after all the years. It also compares him to the likeness of Gollum, foreshadowing what Bilbo might have become if he had held onto the Ring.

    Chapter 2:
    1) For me the character that stands out the most is Boromir. It seemed to me that he piped up the most out of the new characters and kept returning to his needs. I think this could possibly be foreshadowing selfish tendencies of Boromir and maybe some flaws that the Ring could manipulate.
    2) It is typical in that with the call comes immense change. Frodo and the Fellowship will be going to incredibly foreign places that will be only visited due to this “call to adventure.” It is atypical because the “call to adventure” is not necessarily a real thing. Arguably the convincing factor for Frodo is that the Shire and other innocent civilizations could be burned unless he acts to protect to them. This “call to adventure” is different because Frodo is acting not to halt the horrible acts that have been happening to his people, but instead stop them from even beginning. It is the idea of danger that spurs him into action, not the witness of it, which is unique.

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    1. I like your point on the Morgul Blade. Sauron dabbles in more than just direct action by way of arms and armies. His agents work to subvert the Free Peoples by means of psychological warfare, such as with the mental effects of the Morgul Blade. Through these indirect tactics Sauron hopes to upset the plans of his enemies rather than face them outright in battle, as this leaves him room to continue his land war with Gondor.


    2. I agree with your point on Chapter 1 Question 1 about the internal activity of the blade being more damaging rather than the direct physical damage. I was going to post about it exactly like this but saw someone already answered. Good point.


  14. Ch. 1; Q. 2
    Frodo sees Bilbo as a “little wrinkled creature with a hungry face” because it shows him a lesson of that the ring can do and how it can corrupt people, even the simplest people like Bilbo, his own uncle. The wrinkles face description also sounds a lot like a description of Gollum who turned out that way after years of being attached to the ring. Perhaps it is also a sign that Frodo needs to fight the urge to want to put on the ring is tense situations.

    Ch. 2; Q. 2
    It is typical for Frodo to go on this long journey with the “fellowship” since Bilbo chose him to continue the caring of the ring and ultimately, it can be inferred that Frodo will be the hero of this journey. It is atypical because for one, Frodo didn’t even want to go on this journey in the first place and two, he is actually very afraid and the others in the fellowship are taking care of him and protecting him.

    Ch. 3; Q. 1
    Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Aragorn, and Boromir accompany Frodo on this journey. Elrond knows how hard and taxing the journey is on the soul and so he decides not to make anyone promises to accompany them all the way. He may also be psychic.

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  15. chapter 1
    1) Tolkein focuses on the internal because that’s what really matters. Before the wraiths became the Nine they were great kings of men, probably fantastic to look at. But as they were given rings they were ensnared. They became wretched, not in body, as it has been stated that they can change their form to a certain degree, eg the black riders, but in soul. They no longer have a will of their own. So would have been Frodo’s fate.

    2) In describing Bilbo as a “little wrinkled creature with a hungry face” Tolkein is trying to evoke an image of Gollumn.


  16. CHAPTER 1
    1) The wound could be a possible example of the growth of evil, in that it is not instantaneous nor occurs in one moment but takes time to make a lasting effect. And this is also why the wound is more focused inwardly rather than outwardly, because evil here and in our world begins within people and then spews into acts, or with Frodo, into transformations of total darkness.
    2)This will be more apparent later as a similarity with Gollum, meaning that the ring does have effects upon the user. Perhaps for Frodo it also provides more preoccupation with how the ring will affect him personally.
    1) The character that is singled out more is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. In this chapter we learn more concerning him, including his royal lineage through Isildur and his ownership of Narsil, and his part in the quest. Aragorn’s character draws from many sources, including the old epics such as Beowulf and even biblical inspirations such as David, or even Christ.
    2) This is typically in that Frodo is singled out, and makes a solitary decision to bear the ring once more. His own courage stands out first, and thus he is like typical heroes who show a particular trait that will carry them on their adventure. He is atypical however, in appearance perhaps, but heroes tend to have some sort of inexperience or flaw that they have to overcome.


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